Friday, July 20, 2012

The Power Of Luwuk Sword Spell

A Luwuk Sword is a type of short sword originated from the land of Java since Majapahit period. This type of sword is mainly used in Eastern and Central Java. Lagend has it that the Luwuk Sword got its name from its originator Ki Luwuk. Only the royalties and knights have the power over these swords. It is also believe that a Luwuk Sword has magical power as it is made using special spells.

In old days, even now, this Luwuk Sword spell is not just any ordinary spell that can be owned by everyone. This is because this type of spell is a merger between the mantra and heritage of the short sword (Luwuk-Jw).

If anyone wanted to destroy our business, then by the ways of the mystic ritual we can demanded that the man open his heart. The results are truly remarkable. In a few days time the man will immediately came and apologized for everything he does.

Due to a very strong influence of this spell, it can even evoke the courage of the Luwuk sword owner. So its use should not be too indiscriminate. In addition to fatal consequences for the target, this spell can also give the plague to the owner if he could not control it.

The method:

1.      Bath to remove dirt that may invalidate the ritual.

2.      Fasting Mutih 3 days, amounting to 40 days. Starts from Wednesday through Friday.

3.      After completion of fasting, prepare some liman flowers, incense and a cemani chicken cemani and Arabic benzoic incense.

4.      Then slaughter the chicken cemani and fill the blood in the bowl with liman flowers.

5.      Further to that the heirloom Luwuk sword is bathed in chicken blood and then it is fumigate with Arabic incense while reciting mantras.

6.      Then put Luwuk heirloom sword on top of the photo or name of the intended person.

The mantra:

Amedar sastro jendro panguwasaning diyu,

Sastro para dubrikso ing jagad royo,

Sun parentahake nyingkirake,

Nyapu jagad, Nyapu bumi, Nyapu geni, Nyapu toyo, lan nyapu angina,

Sun sapokke marang jabang bayine……(name of the person concerned) supoyo…..(what is our desire)

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