Friday, November 25, 2016

Unusual Fatalities In Kopisan Baru (新咖啡山死亡事件)

The map of Kopisan Baru. The Fat Yeah Temple is located some where on Jalan Balai, which is the centre of the area.

The background:

As reported in Sin Chew Daily on November 24th, 2016 the Kopisan Baru New Village in Gopeng has seen very unusual high fatality rate of local residents. There were already about 50 people died to date. At the same time the Fat Yeah Temple in Kopisan Baru Village was building Ksitigarbha Temple project. Many villagers are doubtful if this project has anything to do with the high mortality rate lately.

It is reported that this year’s mortality rate is especially high compared to last year same time. Since the beginning of Chinese New Year, news of villagers died can be heard on a roll. Most of the deaths happened to those senior citizens of more than 60 years old mainly due to old sickness. However, the fatality rate decreased during these two months compared to previous months.

From the record, Kopisan Baru has about 1,200 households and about 6,000 villagers. The Chinese made up of 75% of the population. If taken the mortality rate between March and November 2016, then within 9 months; the fatality rate has reached 0.9% of local populations.

A villager said that his sister’s mother-in-law who was 68 years old died a few days before the Chinese New Year. The mother-in-law was still riding her bicycle to go out of her house in the morning and as she returned home preparing to slaughter a chicken, she just dropped dead. Another mother-in-law of his another sister who was long time bedridden and around 80-years-old also died in the middle of this year.

Another gravedigger said that the most deaths occurred during March and April, he has not come across such a situation since he started this job. But, the gravedigger also mentioned that most of those who died were old folks due to aged and sickness.

In Macro Feng Shui perspective:

Let us review the fatality incidents in Kopisan Baru and see if the construction work in building Ksitigarbha temple did caused the fatality rate to soar in Kopisan Baru.

First, the location of Fat Yeah Temple is located in the centre zone of Kopisan Baru. In 2016, flying star 2 dropped into the central zone and any major work in this zone will cause serious illness. Since the construction of Ksitigarbha temple work is right at the centre of Kopisan Baru, then it is highly possible this is the culprit.

Since the construction work continued in February 2016, double stars 2 aggravated the occurrences of serious illnesses. Then in a series of months: May, June, July, August, September, October and November injuries and illnesses hit Kopisan Baru on a roll. Since the old would be more vulnerable than the young, hence more mortalities on senior citizens.

Luckily, the on slaughter would halt in December 2016 onwards to January 2017.

So, everything has an explanation indeed. Of course, this post is meant for discussion purposes only.

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