Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Robbing Rich Aiding Poor Ritual (劫富济贫)

It is said that the 5 legionnaire armies (五营兵) ritual is the most powerful ritual of Southern Taoist School. The normal 5 armies setup we see in conventional Taoist temples belonged to the Yang altar (阳坛) which deploys the so-called 'heavenly soldiers' (天兵).

The other type of 5 armies is not so common as it deploys Yin spirits (阴兵) and the methods of worshiping Yin 5 armies is known as Yin altar (阴坛), It is quite difficult to find Yin altar in Singapore and Malaysia but it is possible to take a glimpse of such setup in Vietnam and Taiwan still.

The Vietnamese 5 armies ritual is somehow similar to the Chinese 5 armies. The difference is in the spirits deployed. The Vietnamese 5 armies ritual is normally practiced by mountain tribes and heavily influenced by mainland Taoism.

Vietnamese ritual deploys mountainous spirits and the altar is normally setup outside of the house or on a hill. It is difficult to compare which ritual is more powerful, the Chinese or Vietnamese. My master once told me that the Vietnamese 5 armies is notorious of its power.

A story was told that a Vietnamese shop assistant was bullied by his Chinese boss. So this indignant Vietnamese worker returned to his home in Vietnam. Nothing was heard from him for 3 years.

Not long after the Vietnamese worker left, his former Chinese boss suddenly fell sick and lost a lot of money. 

This Chinese somehow learnt that it was the work of his former Vietnamese worker, he sent his Vietnamese friend to beg for this worker's forgiveness.

A reconciliation was achieved. The condition was that this Chinese must prepare 5 tables of sumptuous banquet on a designated date. The Chinese boss agreed. 

On the said day and when everything was ready, no one turned up. Just as the boss started to wander if this Vietnamese worker will come, a gust of strong wind accompanied by sounds of howling rushed into the house.

One minute later, the wind subsided and all of the foods were swept clean.

Well, I am not sure how far is true about this story but below is a Vietnamese ritual to rob the rich to aid the poor us:

In the event that we think we are somehow unfairly treated or humiliated by the rich and powerful, or if there is a rich guy suddenly kicked the bucket; it doesn't matter.

Quickly go to the Yin 5 armies temple and picked up 5 pebbles or 5 tree branches. After that, make or buy one black flag.

Go to the grave of the rich at night with the pebbles/tree branches and the black flag.

Put the pebbles at four corners of the grave or plug the branches, the 5th pebble/branch should be plugged in the middle of the grave.

Finally, stand in front of the grave stone and use the black flag to swipe the black flag from the top of the gravestone to the bottom 5 times while saying: "What was yours, now it's mine!"

Return home and plug the black flag beside the altar and go to bed.

The ghost of the rich will come in a dream passing all his wealth or give hints on what to do.

If the ritual is successful, then the spell caster will have a fortune while the descendant of the rich will see a decline.

The above ritual if cast on a house with living persons, those in the house may suffer serious illnesses and die.

Of course, if the spell is playfully cast, it might backfire to the spell caster. So care should be taken.

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